Errol Flynn, Flora Robson & Claude Rains.
Ahoy there! Come join Errol Flynn and his raffish crew of loyal buccaneers aboard The Sea Hawk, as bold and honourable a ship as ever sailed the high seas. Receiving critic Leonard Maltin's highest four-star rating, this "lively balance of piracy, romance, and swordplay" well deserves its reputation as one of the screen's greatest swashbuckling adventures. All charm and verve and athletic prowess, Flynn gives a masterful portrayal of British privateer Captain Geoffrey Thorpe. While Queen Elizabeth I (played with a wonderful gruffness by Flora Robson) haggles over the cost of building a navy to face the Spanish Armada, Thorpe and his men wage an undeclared war against the Spanish fleet. Opposing him are the Spanish ambassador (Claude Rains) and turncoat Lord Wolfingham (Henry Daniell), who play their villains with dastardly delight.
With solid direction from Michael Curtiz (Casablanca) and a rousing Oscar nominated score,
The Sea Hawk delivers a broadside of action entertainment at its epic best.
Originally filmed in Black and White.
This film was first colorized back in 1987. And released to the home videotape market (VHS, Betamax etc) consequently the available prints of that colorization are not the best quality when it comes to sharpness of image.
The version we offer here is a new 2022 "ai" colorization, although the colors may be more subdued, the quality of playback is much more sharp and clearer. Please see the screenshots.
Originally filmed in Black and White, we have colorized it.
All pictures displayed are actual screenshots taken from the movie
Supplied on a region free DVD
(region free means it will play worldwide without any area coding) it will play in your country.
Packaged in a cardboard sleeve, with printed artwork on both sleeve and disc.