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In the late 70s early 80s many classic black & white movies were put through the colourization process. But many movie fans thought this to be sacrilege, consequently they proved not to be as popular as expected. So when DVDs came along most of the colorized movies did not make it onto DVD. But now there are new generations who refuse to watch old black & white movies. The limited number of colorized movies we have listed have proved to be popular. So we have decided to dedicate a whole section to them which we will be adding to whenever possible.

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    P.I. Philip Marlowe's (Humphrey Bogart) hired by a wealthy general to find out and stop his daughter, Carmen, from being blackmailed over gambling debts,

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    During the American Civil War, Captain Kerry Bradford (Errol Flynn) escapes from a notorious confederate prison with a plan to fund the Confederacy.

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    A very interesting British movie made during the second world war as a morale booster. Now available in color.

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    Colorizing this movie has made it fascinating. With great shots of how London looked only a couple of years after the end of World War II. Very different from how London looks today.

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    When Rocky (James Cagney) is convicted and sentenced to the electric chair, Jerry (Pat O'Brien) asks him for one last favour.

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    Cody Jarrett (James Cagney) is the sadistic leader of a ruthless gang of thieves. Afflicted by terrible headaches and fiercely devoted to his 'Ma.

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    Donald Glourie shares his crumbling ancestral home with the ghost of his Highland ancestor, Murdoch.

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    Based on a story by P.G. Woodhouse. A very funny classic movie. Now in color.

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    Harry (Ian Hendry) a slick, unscrupulous salesman with a roving eye and a more-than-neighbourly interest in Margery (June Ritchie).

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    A band of bank robbers on the run from a posse flee into the desert. Near death from lack of water they stumble into what appears to be a ghost town, only to discover an old prospector and his granddaughter living there.

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    She better get them. Because Elizabeth's boss has invited himself and a recently returned war hero to her home for Christmas.

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    Charlie (James Booth) returns to the East End after two years at sea to find his house demolished and wife Maggie (Barbara Windsor) gone.

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    British comedy starring Leslie Phillips, from the same stable as the "Carry On" Movies.

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    Made during the second world war, this Oscar Nominated movie tells the story of a Norwegian village defying their Nazi occupiers.

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    During the Civil War, in 1863,Confederate prisoners of war agree to join forces with the Union Army in the common fight against Indians.

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